Fleeing the Plague

Things have been quiet here for a while because I have been doing some deep diving into plague images and objects. They are fun to research and you will hear more about my big project in the future. Meanwhile, I am planning on featuring an image or two from plague history on this blog every once in a while.

“Runaways Fleeing from the Plague”, woodcut, is featured in “A Looking-Glasse for City and Countrey“, printed by H. Gossen in 1630. (Wellcome Collection, CC X 4.0)

A couple Halloween treats for all those, big and small, who like to color. Woodcuts are such a great source for adult coloring. The image above featuring spear-wielding skeletons with hourglasses comes from the Wellcome Library’s The Plague in Shakespeare’s London by Frank Percy Wilson, Clarendon Press, 1927. It reproduces “Runaways fleeing from the plague”, an illustration from A Looking-Glasse for City and Countrey, printed by H. Gossen in 1630.


Perhaps you can help me as well… I have been unable to find the source for this woodcut. I’ve seen it around the internet without metadata or provenance. If someone can provide that, I will update this post. Until I can find the real title for this woodcut, I just call it Death’s Party Wagon. Happy Halloween!

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