Ebola’s Chain of Infection

A chain of infection is a method for organizing the basic information needed to respond to an epidemic.  I've gathered the best information I've been able to find. As the current epidemic is analyzed, there is no doubt some of the recommendations and basic knowledge will change. The Ebola Virus (EBOV) The Ebola virus is... Continue Reading →

The Spotty History of Chicken Pox

For its extreme antiquity, the virus that causes chicken pox has a surprising sparse documented history.  The earliest clear reference to the virus is actually to an emergence of its latent form as shingles, also called zoster. The ancient Greeks called it zoster after the word for girdle, while shingles comes from the latin word... Continue Reading →

General Principles of Zoonotic Landscape Epidemiology

Zoonoses, pathogens with animal reservoirs, exist as part of a complex system of interactions between animal reservoirs, vectors, ecological factors and human interaction. Landscape epidemiology has existed as a field of study since Russian epidemiologist E.N. Pavlovsky coined the term and laid the groundwork in the 1960s. Landscape epidemiology is in essence the study of... Continue Reading →

The Super-spreading Landscape of Urban Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is one of the most concerning emerging infectious diseases of the early 21st century. The virus has been spreading with its ever-expanding host, the mosquito Aedes aegypti.  For the last several years there have been naturally acquired cases of dengue fever in the United States and Europe, that are not connected to travel.... Continue Reading →

What makes a Super-Spreader?

Parameters that should be theoretically equal often aren't so in the real world. Ideally everyone should have the same potential to transmit an infection during a given outbreak, but it has long been observed that this isn't true. Super-spreaders play an extraordinary role in driving outbreaks of infectious disease. A super-spreader is a person who... Continue Reading →

Contagions Round-up 20: Past is Prologue in Science too!

Congratulations to Wonders & Marvels for winning the Cliopatria Award for Best History Group Blog of 2011 and to Lindsey Fitzharris of The Chirurgeon's Apprentice who won the Cliopatria Award for Best History Individual Blog of 2011. What a year for history of medicine! Starting with Lindsey's latest post, let's get this round-up rolling. The Chirurgenon's... Continue Reading →

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